Staffing Services


The organizations run their business with certain objectives for their success and for this, strong and efficient human resources are the vital need for the organizations and it’s very critical to seek efficient talents and their management in tough time of business and markets challenges.

We work with the organizations as a bridge between organizations and human resources for fulfilling the arose gap of talents and their overall staffing process. We provide time saving and cost-effective staffing services to the organizations that leads the organizations for more focusing on their business processes and profitability.

Menfosys provides staffing services to find out cost effective right fit efficient resource and end to end staffing services cross the country and help organizations with complete Human resource management processes that is consisted of Human Resources Planning, Recruitment, Training and Development, Employee engagements, Labour laws and Compliances, payroll processing, On-boarding and off- boarding of employees. We maintain high level of information securities and the time management with accuracy in overall staffing processes.

 Permanent  Recruitment:

Our recruitments and headhunting service processes are most effective and systematic end to end steps for lower level to higher level of vacancy. We understand the vacant position from the clients by job nature, job profile, responsibilities and based on that we start searching from many sources and we do initial level of screening whether employees are from technical or non-technical/ blue- collar or white-collar backgrounds as per the skills questioning, qualification, experience, salary and notice period. Beside this, we also check the sustainability, eagerness and passion of work of the employee for long term association with organization.

Temporary Recruitment:

Menfosys offers temporary recruitment under the staffing services to startups company with complete HR solutions. Our temporary recruitment services help the organisation in business development & growth, newly launched project, collaboration and merger of business. We hire the employee as per the requirement and get engaged them with the company and maintain a highly systematic entire staffing processes. All processes help the organisations to avoid the liabilities and time spending to search the right fit resources and complexity to manage them.

Recruitment: Permanent and Temporary

Time and change management

Statutory compliances

Payroll Management

Time and leave management

Salary Administration

Management Information system


Job Profiles


Working Candidates


Working Companies


Years of Experience

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